WestConnex Stage 2
(New M5)
Project Details
Project: WestConnex Stage 2 (New M5)
Client: Lend Lease / Acciona JV
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Stage 2 of WestConnex – The New M5 – will link to the upgraded King Georges Road Interchange on the existing M5 East Motorway at Beverly Hills and run via twin tunnels to St Peters.
The New M5 tunnels will more than double the capacity of the M5 East corridor, improving travel times and reliability for the 100,000 motorists which use this key route every day.
The Lend Lease / Acciona Joint Venture (LLA JV) engaged Skarpa to develop a resourced, digital project model of the preferred tunnelling solution. The model included integrated linkage/software rule sets, an associated detailed programme and quantities reports.
This model accurately reflected the preferred excavation methodologies, including the geological conditions along the alignment, ground support and permanent lining details. Production rates were also assigned for all construction activities and detailed sensitivity analysis was conducted to review options.
High resolution cadastral information, topography/satellite imagery and Vulcan geological models were also imported to the model to accurately reflect the project conditions.
Animations of the excavation and lining processes were completed to assist with constructability analysis and to provide clear communication of assumptions to all key stakeholders.